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The Luno API provides developers the ability to access their accounts, make trades, and a plethora of other possibilities. Whether they're creating automated systems to buy and sell Bitcoin and Ethereum based on automated triggers, or are creating their own interface for their financial clients, the Luno API gives you the tools you need to succeed. This guides will cover how to get going and perform the most common tasks to get you up and running.

We'll demonstrate:

  • Creating a Luno Account
  • Authenticating through the API
  • Defining a Trade
  • Retrieving a Trade Details
  • Canceling a Trade
  • Creating a Wallet and retrieving its balance

The examples below are performed using curl. Developers are encouraged to use the the Luno Go library. Other libraries exist to access the Luno platform, but the official Luno Go library is the supported method.

For complete details, please see the Luno API Documentation.

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